Arbaz Khan
- Apr 20, 2021
Ripening Banana
The yellow fruit
that brings Potassium—
Cherish it or not,
it will end.
Remember the good times,
not the bad.
Remember the sweet smells,
Hannah Cruz
- Apr 15, 2021
You are The Sun
Your glow at dawn is the invitation of life, love and prosperity, however your ascension brings nothing but misery. The illumination of your
Humza Asif
- Apr 13, 2021
Constantly being hated
Never wanting to be seen to make it
Always being put down
Called a terrorist or a bomber
What could I do?
Amanda Smuss
- Apr 9, 2021
Sticks, Stones, and Glass Houses
I let insults fly and hit me like pebbles, tiny terrible wounds and welts bubbled on my skin
I never raised my arms up to protect my face,