Alex Dilorenzo
Nov 28, 2019
It cradled your head every night and caught tears while you weeped yourself to sleep. It was even shared some nights with the guest you...
Billy Collins
Nov 27, 2019
She begged for her first phone. She was the only one in her grade without one. And how could she reach out to call for help if she were...
Sophie Dalton
Nov 24, 2019
Dye Job
As the bleach fried her dark brown locks, she felt free. Her hair was washed and scrubbed by the salon tech, whose nails would scrape her...
Sebastian Rosa
Nov 20, 2019
The Stuffed Bear
As I hold him in my hands, it's almost as if time moves backwards. The baby blue felt still feels fresh and soft even though it's become...
Billy Collins
Nov 16, 2019
School Smart Brand
While taking my second SAT in room 630, I was disturbed by the vivid images of him dangling by his swollen, purple neck. Braided nylon...
Cassidy Giudici
Nov 8, 2019
You scarred me. Left me with a wound so deep like a child in a coffin. Closed, but always open.
Priscilla Alonzo
Nov 5, 2019
She nurtured me with her body, a way no one else was designed for. She carried me, caressed me when I did not ask her to. When I was...
Nyara Choudhury
Nov 1, 2019
Friendly Nightshade
I am the warning sky before a thunderstorm the lavender used to calm your senses. I am the velvet robe of a wise king, his amethyst crown...
Sebastian Rosa
Oct 25, 2019
You are like a dog in a cat’s alley:
You disturb the peace and tranquility, reducing any semblance of calming silence, to a concert of growls, barks, and hisses. You turn a...