James Reilly
Jun 14, 2017
I am a person who would rather live than exist. I am a person who believes in passion as the most virtuous of virtues. I am a person who...
Laura Altieri
Jun 14, 2017
Stop Lights
I preach and I spew to let things be, telling everyone around me to give life room for its natural path with no question of why things...
Danielle Mattila
Jun 14, 2017
Lessons from Church Camp
I remember watching my baby sister cry because she was taught to fear inevitability. Her tears, tattering my mother's t-shirt as she...
Lauren Gotard
Jun 14, 2017
Le textile de la Terre (The fabrics of the Earth)
O Couverture Verte à fleurs, Réchauffe la terre de l’hiver, Réveille les animaux de la forêt, Et dit aux plantes l’arrivée du soleil La...