The Blue
Upon Dawn we drove down a windy road towards a place I could call home.
The steam rising off the warm waters created a fog making the images around you a blur.
The barely visible windows were too foggy to see through to the otherside.
With the water around me so clear having its own sky blue color to it. A stone could be seen,
Chiseled to make an underwater bench.
Water on the rocks above fell upon a group of tourists that came from around the world to
witness the beauty of the area.
All could be noticed from one standing point asd the sand between my toes moved as I moved,
shuffled as I shuffled.
The environment ran wild around me yet I only focuses on the black sand drifting on the floor of the lagoon.
No matter how important the detail, I took them all in as I knew I would visit for a long time
again. The black sqand continued to move around my ankles as I moved in the water.
I stood there gazing at the beauty and wonders around me & for a moment,
I forgot all my worries.