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I fell

Over and over

Past mountains of green scales

Rivers of brown fur

Valleys of grey feathers

I fall

Over and over

Under oceans of yellow acid

Past caves of pink forests

Into whirlpools of white demise

I'm falling

I've always been

Over and over

Caught in my own tide

In the cold wretched hands of gravity

Flowing wherever I can

Fated to flow

Destined to fall

Over and over

Until it happens again, and again, and again

I've seen mountains crumble and empires fall

I've seen valleys flood and rivers of crimson run dry

I've seen plateaus become plains and oceans overflowing one another

I've seen hatred and love, but cannot feel any of it

I'm not destined to,

Only to fall and flow

Over and over

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I fell Over and over Past mountains of green scales Rivers of brown fur Valleys of grey feathers I fall Over and over Under oceans...

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